Top 10 A.I. Characters in film

With just under 10 days left until the launch of Aniagiasi, I thought it would be fun to list my top 10 A.I. characters in film. This is not based on anything other than my personal favorites and, please note, characters from Star Wars and Star Trek were left out intentionally. I invite you to provide feedback on your top choices. And feel free to criticize my list. I mean, why take the fun out of it?

So, here they are…

10) Joshua from Wargames
09) Wall-E from Wall-E
08) GERTY from Moon
07) Rachael from Blade Runner
06) Agent Smith from The Matrix
05) T-800 from The Terminator
04) David from Promethius
03) Roy Batty from Blade Runner
02) Ava from Ex Machina
01) HAL 9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey